Task Force: Justice For All Chair: Ben Senturia
 Email Ben

Minutes of JUJ Justice for All Task Force meeting and task list.

The JUJ Justice for All Task Force met on November 18.

Present were Rhona L, Ben S, Philip D, Susan S, Moisy S, Gary Wand David L.
There were two items on the agenda: Relationship of the JUJ Task Force to both MCU and to the Jewish Community; and next steps on the ombudsman project.

1. We had a thorough and informative discussion on where our task force fits with MCU and how we should relate to the Jewish community on these issues. We decided that we should continue to work within the MCU project umbrella and perhaps stake out several communities where we take the lead but work with MCU; for example we might lead an effort with Olivette if that makes sense. Just as with Creve Coeur we will plan meetings with the police chief and figure out the next steps.
Regarding our relationship with the larger Jewish community we decided that our first steps should be to reach out to JCRC and to the Rabbinical Association to give presentations and seek their support in engaging more individuals and organizations and congregations in this work.

a) Ben S will contact Steve S re: rabbinical association and

b) Philip D will contact Rori re: JCRC. David lander is to write up a Draft of the ask.
After these presentations we may reach out to the congregations and/or schedule a Town Hall on this topic and seek an article in the Light.

2. We discussed why we were moving to an ombudsman effort rather than the police oversight projects. We discussed the benefits and detriments of an ombudsman program at the County, municipal or state level. The key seems to be easy access to the process and the use of a Neutral in trying to resolve complaints by citizens about government services. A key goal is "restorative government.

c) Susan and Gary will decide which county councilperson to contact to do some very basic intelligence.

d) David will follow up with Nicole at Forward through Ferguson to see if they have similar efforts underway.

e) Gary will contact people in Seattle to learn more about the background of their program.

f) David to call members of the task force who have not been attending to see if they will start attending.
Next meeting in about three weeks. David will contact Mark K to find dates when he can attend and then send them around.

Next meeting will start ten minutes earlier at 8:35.
respectfully submitted. David
From our Oct 26 meeting:
1. Report on Creve Coeur police meeting, other police meetings by MCU and Wecan and planning next steps.

2. Discussion of complaint program - see Link - explanation of why this seems optimal thanks See LINK
Here is a link to the video produced by the Kings County Ombudsman Office.
People may want to see this before the meeting
David, Interim Chair, Justice for All
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Summary of Meeting of JUJ Justice for All Task Force Tuesday, August 23
After introductions and considerable discussion the group reached the following:

1. Initial GOALS are: --- to disseminate information and our interpretation of events to the public; ---- to facilitate community-police relations based on the Jewish principle of Justice (if hurtful to me, don't do it to others) --- To help restore/develop trust both ways between the public and the police departments in several specific communities..


a. work directly with police and work directly with the community the police serve on issues such as use of force policies, hiring, training including implicit racism training and building, maintaining and effective use effective of racial data

b. Help build a vehicle in each community for regular communication and monitoring of the police and police-community relationships.

3. Action items: a. Follow up with Creve Coeur Police Department and build on momentum on issues of use of force, racial training and enhanced useful statistics.

b. Determine whether to reach out and start in another community

c. Work with other groups such as We Can, U City Action Network and MCU that have similar goals and strategies.

d. Reach out to Organization for Black Struggle and Campaign Zero and establish regular communications and strategy for working together.

e. At some point reach out to the Jewish Light to have Can We Talk on some of these issues.

f. when appropriate be ready to disseminate information and our interpretation of events to the public;
People who attended the meeting:

Gary Weiss is a JUJ member and has been looking at these police issues and use of force and relationship with Black Lives Matter

Jim Moore has been working with West County Community Action Network (WE CAN) and with MCU for 18 months on policing and other issues related to racial disparity in school discipline and juvenile justice. He has met with six police departments thus far, has been working with West County Community Action Network (WE CAN) and with MCU for 18 months on policing and other issues related to racial disparity in school discipline and juvenile justice. He has met with six police departments thus far,

Ben Sentura is a JUJ member and also working with University City action network which works to raise the profile of BLM issues in UCity and around the region.

Rhona Lyons is a JUJ member and has worked with the Justice for All Task Force on police issues and was part of the group that met with the Creve Coeur Police chief and deputy.

David Lander is a JUJ member and has worked with the Justice for All Task Force on police issues and was part of the group that met with the Creve Coeur Police chief and deputy.
He s serving as interim chair of the JUJ Justice for All Task Force. 

JUJ - Jews United for Justice
Attn. Ellen Alper, Treasurer
Email Ellen here 

Site created and maintained by Richard Gavatin of IMS, Inc.

Email:  info@jujstl.org 

Site Updated:  August 14, 2018
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