On Wednesday January 22, 2025 more than thirty....

individuals participated in Jewish Advocacy Day at the Missouri State Capitol to show support of SB 173 (sponsored by Senator Stephen Webber) and HB 134 (sponsored by Representative Mike Costlow).
These bills would establish supplemental nonprofit safety and security funding, a priority for the Jewish community as it continues to see a rise in antisemitism and targeted violence towards synagogues and Jewish institutions.

Jewish Advocacy Day was organized by American Jewish Committee (AJC) of St. Louis, ADL Hearthland, Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis (JCRC), Jewish Federation of St. Louis, National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis (NCJW), and the St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum with additional support from Central Reform Congregation, Congregation B'nai Amoona, Congregation Shaare Emeth, Congregation Temple Israel, Jews United for Justice - St. Louis, United Hebrew Congregation

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